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Green Fuel Catalyst reverses hydrocarbon biodegradation (Oxidation) process by transforming it into more combustible & useful energy containing fuel

  • 100000+
    Worldwide Customers & Installations
  • 1000+
    Marine Vessels
  • 50000+
    Power & Heat Generation
  • 10000+
    Mining & Construction & Automotive

Catalyst certificates, tests, and approved inspection reports:


Catalyst technology reformulates and improves the following fuel types:

Hydrocarbon liquid fuel
Natural gas
  • Reduce fuel consumption by over 2%
  • Fast payback with average ROI of 4-6 months
  • Restore fuel lubricity
  • Reduce carbon footprint and emissions (CO2, CO, PM, NOx, SOx)
  • No moving parts, no electrical hookups, no addatives, no magnets
  • Improve fuel combustion & quality
  • Improve fuel H/C ratio
  • Polynuclear aromatics are reduced while aliphatics and polar compounds increased
  • Reduce bacteria growth
  • Cetane number increased
  • Improve engine horsepower and torque
  • Extend engine lifetime
  • Minimize exhaust system maintenance
  • Minimize injector & fuel system maintenance
  • Lower soot content in lubricating oil
  • Simple installation within booster system after mixing tanks and heaters
  • Catalyst lifetime is 10,000 operating h for liquid fuels, and 20,000 operating h for natural gas applications


“We have had the Fitch Fuel Catalyst working on 452 generators. During this time, we have been able to corroborate savings in fuel of at least 7.6% per unit. Furthermore, we have found with great surprise, that due to the fact that the fuel is pre-treated by Fitch, it burns better and much cleaner than before thereby reducing the maintenance that was required for the units. For example, it is our custom to give maintenance to the units as per the manufacturer’s recommendation. Nevertheless, we have found our generators with the FITCH unit are in optimal condition (cleaner and with little residue) and we understand that this must clearly contribute to a longer life of the equipment.”

Anibal Sierra, Supervisor of generators Codetel, Dominican Republic

Prior to fitting of the catalyst the truck averaged 2.1 to 2.2 klms per litre of fuel. The vehicle was run for a test period of six months where it was noted to be running much cleaner and more smoothly. As of June 2002 the fuel economy has increased to 2.57 klms per litre representing an improvement of 22% Quite phenomenal.

This catalyst has done all that the manufacturer's claim and as a result of these positive tests we are fitting the rest of our fleet. I have no hesistation in recomending this product as a cost saving device.

Arthur Hicks Transport sales manager, Nucrush PTY. LTD.

Fitch Fuel Catalysts were tested and then implemented in the Tri Marine Group fleet of close to 30 marine vessels. Initially tests were done on one vessel, and later proved at the Caterpillar dealer in Southern California, resulting in the company wide implementation of the Fitch Fuel Catalyst. Fuel savings range from 6-9%.
'' We are very satisfied with the benefits the Fitch Fuel Catalyst has provided for our vessels and plan to expand it throughout our worldwide operations''.

- Thierry Le Guennec, General Manager of the Tri Marine Group 

Thierry Le Guennec - General Manager Tri Marine Group

“Amazing product! We installed the Fitch Fuel Catalyst in 2010 and within that first year, we saved just short of $15,000, recouped the cost of the unit, the cost of the installation, and put additional money back in our pocket.  

Best of all, the savings has been at least that much or more, year after year, at no additional cost."

Brian Moore, Resident Manager 1115 Fifth Avenue Brown Harris Stevens Property

The 305 ft. fish processing vessel Golden Alaska, which first started using Fitch in 2014, closely monitors its fuel consumption at all times and reports and increase in fuel efficiency of 8.51% when using Fitch Fuel Catalyst to treat fuel. In addition, “There has been a clear reduction in smoke and a significant reduction in carbon build up which translates into  reduced engine maintenance and unscheduled downtime”

Mark Purdue Chief Engineer, Golden Alaska Seafoods, LLC.

"I've been using the Fitch Catalyst in Bass Boat for several years now and the benefits are incredible. The boat was a Ranger R72 Bass Boat. Now with the New Ranger 2013 Z119 I have also added the Fitch system to it and again better fuel mileage and performance. As winter approaches and most of us that have boats, bikes or other water craft have to start thinking about winter storage its several hundred dollars to get these things winterized. Well with the Fitch Catalyst System you do not have to worry about using stabile in the fuel system. Simply store your boat, bike or whatever and it will be fine come spring time. I've done this for years now and never had a problem thanks to Fitch. I would highly recommend there products to anyone who has to store their toys for the winter. For once a company has put out a product that does what they say it can do!"

Sgt. Joe "Sarge" Kowalski Jr. American Hero Experience NBC Sports Network President and Founder - Maj. Steven Roy Andrews Fishing Outreach Program Inc.

The city installed fuel catalysts on approximately 185 diesel trucks and larger equipment and 135 unleaded fuel vehicles with a mix of pickups, cars and smaller pieces of equipment.

The city is realizing average fuel savings of 9% on its nine street sweepers. Those units consumed more than 13,000 gallons of fuel in 2008. Fuel usage dropped to 11,900 gallons in 2009 and 11,700 gallons in 2010. The city’s over- the-road tractor fleet is seeing an average 13% increase in fuel efficiency.

Mike Moore Communications Coordinator Office of the Mayor, Allentown

3 Mitsubishi 1000HP Genset engines were equipped with FHD5-19-1.5 Fitch Fuel Catalysts installed along with bypass system. The Fitch Fuel Catalyst was bypassed on all 3 generators with fourth on a day tank during the 1st month of baseline data collection. The daily savings over the range of 1130 to 1270 kilowatts would be 264 to 576 liters for the 3 generators. Overall fuel savings for the one-year period since installation are estimated to be 90,000 liters of fuel. The Fitch Fuel Catalyst improved energy output, reduced fuel consumption and eliminated noticeable exhaust smoke. The Fitch technology provides an excellent return on investment. The improved fuel efficiency and superior combustion will extend the operational life and the maintenance interval of each generator.

Soltuna Tuna Cannery, Western Solomon Islands Tri Marine Group

“We are pleased to give you our Gas Turbine Technical Data with the following details: 
Brand:  Westinghouse- USA
Model: CW 251 B11
Capacity: 39 MW
Specific Fuel Consumption: .367
Serial Number: 4658126
Fuel Consumption Reduction after Retrofit with Fitch: 5.8%"

IR. DRS. Bardan KS. MM, General Manager Indonesian Power, Bali

This is to certify that COMET Fuel Saving System,containing fuel reformer Fitch Fuel Catalyst, has been installed on vehicle BELAZ 75306 with engine Cummins QSK60-C (1715/2300 KW/HP) in the Copper mine "Veliki Krivelj" within the Copper Mine Bor. We tested the system for three months, the performance of COMET Fuel Saving system has been very good and about 7% saving achived.

We appreciate the green energy efforts of COMET Fuel Saving System, toward reducing the fuel consumption, black smoke and carbon emission.

Anicic Nemanja, The head of mining production RTB Bor Group

“We have complete power house (installed capacity of 11500 KVA), comprises of total 07 Nos.  DGs Set (02 Nos. X 2000 KVA each + 05 Nos. X 1250 KVA each) and running as per production requirements.  On an average, daily HSD consumption in power house is 20-21 KL.  

Recently we installed Fitch Fuel Catalyst in 2000 KVA DGs set and results are a  > 7% savings.  

We will also like to mention that after installation of Fitch Fuel Catalyst, there is a sharp decrease in the emissions."

S. Aggraval, Sr. Manager HONDA Siel Cars India Ltd.

"Fitch was one of our best operational decisions ever.  

We reduced fuel consumption on our boiler by 10.4% and the Fitch Fuel Catalyst has more than paid for itself in less than one year."

Nicholas Nikic, Resident Manager of 1088 Park Ave Douglas Elliman Property

Wartsila 61.32 with output of 2.3 MW results..

Comparing consumption before and after the fitting of Fitch Fuel Catalyst, significant fuel savings were achieved and the Return of Investment (ROI) would likely be in the vicinity of 3 to 4 months. This is particularly encouraging in the light of rising fuel cost. This is a system that we would consider fitting to all our gensets

Norman A. Nuque, Manager of Plant Services Department Philips Semi-conductors Philippines, Inc.

Our clients

Our clients range from Fortune 500 companies to local Marine, Mining or Power & Heat generation companies as well as Military.